Latitude: Longitude:
Initial FM100: Initial FM1000: Recalculation: 0
DateYeardayObs Temp (F)Obs RH (%)Max Temp (F)Min Temp (F)Max RH (%)Min RH (%)Precip Duration (hrs)State of the Weather (DIM)Sky Cover (%)Energy Release Component (Fuel Model G)FM100 (%) FM1000 (%)
4/24/2024 70 0 35 35
4/25/2024 71 0 35 35
4/26/2024 94 0 35 35
4/27/2024 80 0 35 35
4/28/2024 60 0 35 35
4/29/2024 61 0 35 35
4/30/2024 52 0 35 35
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